FERC approved the Lower Klamath Project's license surrender, setting the stage for the largest dam removal and salmon restoration effort in U.S. history.
ISO-NE will not incorporate an amendment approved by the NEPOOL Participants Committee to include pumped storage resources in its Inventoried Energy Program.
JPxG, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
PG&E asked the CPUC to approve a plan that would allow it to sell a stake in a new generation subsidiary, with proceeds to be used to fund capital investment.
The PJM Market Implementation Committee narrowly rejected a proposed issue charge from curtailment service provider CPower Energy Management.
An analysis of the most up-to-date federal GHG emissions data through 2019 showed that Maine reduced its GHG emissions 25% below 1990 levels.
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act provides $753 million to help hydropower dams improve their efficiency, safety and resilience, according to NHA.
The Northwest stands out as an exception to the increasingly dire water situation gripping the wider West, boding well for its summer hydropower potential.
Climate change will have a mixed impact on hydropower in the Pacific Northwest, with wetter winters and springs and drier summers, BPA says.
A Canadian-U.S project delivering clean power from Quebec to Massachusetts has been stymied by Mainers opposed to the construction of a transmission.
The Western EIM took on BPA and Tucson Electric Power as new participants, marking the market’s largest single expansion since its founding.
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