Nuclear Power
New Jersey officials are updating the clean energy strategy that steered the state to becoming one of the most aggressive carbon reducers in the nation.
The price of New York ZECs is set to fall 14% for the next two years after the agency that administratively sets the price issued its biennial price adjustment.
Jim Richmond, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
FERC settled a dispute between NextEra Energy and Avangrid over whether the former should be responsible for upgrading a circuit breaker at Seabrook.
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission told PG&E it would have to file a new application to keep the state's last nuclear plant operating beyond 2025.
Small modular reactors are the future of nuclear energy, but they will not be rapidly deployed without a federal push, according to a new report.
The Alliance for Clean Energy New York hosted an online information session concerning the state's scoping plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Gov. Glenn Youngkin gave his State of the Commonwealth speech, which included calls to change Virginia’s climate law and end its ties to California regulations.
Southern Co. said that Unit 3 at Vogtle nuclear plant in Ga. suffered yet another delay and is not expected to come online until at least the second quarter.
New Orleans city council and the Ark. and La. PSCs filed an emergency motion after an Entergy press release claimed it owed no additional refunds to ratepayers.
FirstEnergy agreed to another federal fine, this time for lying to FERC auditors about its role in the Ohio bribery scheme to bail out nuclear plants.
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