Nuclear Power

TVA Receives Federal Assist on Future Nuclear Plans
TVA received a voucher from the Dept. of Energy’s Gateway for Accelerated Innovation in Nuclear to study future sites to deploy advanced nuclear reactors.
Virginia Gov. Youngkin Releases 2022 Energy Plan
Gov. Youngkin's energy plan focuses on developing still-untested carbon-free resources alongside current renewable technology to make up for lost capacity.
Global Clean Energy Action Forum
Overheard at Global Clean Energy Action Forum
More than 6,000 people from 34 countries traveled to the Steel City for the Global Clean Energy Action Forum. Here's some of what we heard there.
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PJM Market Implementation Committee Briefs: Sept. 7, 2022
The PJM Market Implementation Committee narrowly rejected a proposed issue charge from curtailment service provider CPower Energy Management.
Whitmer Backs Palisades Reopening Plan
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer fired a major shot boosting efforts to reopen the now-shuttered Palisades Nuclear Plant along Lake Michigan’s shores.
Constellation Energy
NY Funds Long-duration Energy Storage Projects
New York announced $16.6 million in funding for long-duration energy storage projects, with most going to a hydrogen project at Nine Mile Point nuclear plant.
California Legislature Passes Climate, Energy Bills
On the last night of the legislative session, lawmakers passed bills to extend the life of Diablo Canyon and increase GHG reduction and clean energy targets.
Diablo Canyon Extension Effort Gears up
The movement to keep PG&E's Diablo Canyon nuclear plant open 10 years past its planned retirement date in 2025 has gained momentum and essential support.
PJM Market Implementation Committee Briefs: Aug. 10, 2022
The MIC approved an initiative to change the determination of zonal load bus distribution factors and heard first read on changes to VOM cost development.
Lindsey Systems
PJM Operating Committee Briefs: Aug. 11, 2022
PJM's Operating Committee heard proposals on improving the dispatch of renewables, changes to max emergency status and a new cold weather advisory.

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