Onshore Wind

Electricity Canada
Consumer Response Saved Alberta Grid During Jan. 2024 Cold Snap
An emergency alert urging the public to conserve energy helped the Alberta Electric System Operator narrowly avert rolling blackouts during January’s extreme cold snap.
United Steel Structures Inc.
NRDC: Coal Plants Squeezing Out Cheaper Resources in MISO Market
Coal plants in the Central U.S. are elbowing out lower-cost, cleaner generation and have collected more than $1 billion in uneconomic payments over a three-year span, the Natural Resources Defense Council said in a new report.
DC Circuit Finds for SPP in Wind Farm Dispute
The court rejected a wind farm’s challenge of FERC’s decision to allow SPP to charge more than $100 million for upgrades needed to connect the facility to the grid operator’s system.
Report Looks at Root Causes of Electric Rate Hikes
A new report says residential electric rates have been rising at a pace less than inflation in most states since 2010 and the clean energy transition is not driving the increase. 
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Renewable Developers Oppose Proposed ERCOT IBR Rule
Several renewable energy developers oppose ERCOT stakeholders’ approval of a controversial rule change that would impose voltage ride-through requirements on IBRs.  
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PJM PC/TEAC Briefs: June 4, 2024
PJM stakeholders received updates on the RTO's plan for long-range transmission planning and utilities' supplemental projects to deal with growing data center load.
ERCOT TAC Endorses Rule for Inverter-based Resources
ERCOT stakeholders and staff came to an agreement on a rule change that imposes voltage ride-through requirements on IBRs.
FERC Forecasts High Temperatures, Flat Prices for Summer
This summer should bring high temperatures and electricity demand but flat power prices as cheaper fuel offsets heavy load, according to a FERC assessment.
ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee Briefs: April 15, 2024
ERCOT says recent changes to the calculations used to determine ERCOT contingency reserve service have resulted in smaller quantities of the product this year and stalled the need for further modifications.
DOE Issues Transmission Interconnection Roadmap
The DOE issued a roadmap to speed interconnection of new clean energy generation projects to the grid and clear the backlog of proposed renewable energy projects waiting in the queue.

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