January 25, 2025

Resource Adequacy

Resource adequacy is the ability of electric grid operators to supply enough electricity at the right locations, using current capacity and reserves, to meet demand. It is expressed as the probability of an outage due to insufficient capacity.
Revised Western RTO Governance Plan Highlights State Authority
CAISO released a revised set of principles for governing a Western RTO in a bid to convince skeptics that an expanded ISO will be amenable to the entire region.
MISO Backs Forward Auction Plan, Rejects Prompt Proposal
MISO has decided to stick with its original forward design in its capacity auction overhaul, rejecting the IMM’s prompt auction proposal.
Clean Energy Advocates Appeal FERC’s Capacity Performance Rulings
Environmental groups asked the D.C. Circuit Court to review FERC rulings on the PJM Capacity Performance model, saying model limits renewables and DR.
MISO, Monitor Release Negotiated Auction Redesign
MISO and its IMM reached a compromise on a capacity auction design, but the RTO is also keeping its original proposal on the table.
MISO, IMM Reach Compromise on Capacity Auction Design
MISO and its Independent Market Monitor have reconciled their differences and reached a compromise on the RTO's capacity market design.
OMS-MISO Survey: Generation Shortfall Possible
The MISO-OMS 2016 Survey found that plant retirements could cause a generation shortfall as early as 2018 in MISO, 2 years earlier than previously expected.
SPP Task Force Prepares to Hand off its Work
The SPP Capacity Margin Task Force conducted its penultimate meeting  as it continues to set up the stakeholder group that will replace it.
UPDATED: PJM Capacity Prices Fall Sharply
PJM Capacity prices fell sharply as new generation flooded the market, leaving 18 GW of existing resources without any capacity revenue.
ERCOT Briefs: Ample Capacity; Outage Procedures
ERCOT said continued growth in natural gas and renewable energy capacity will help it meet its projected summer peak this year.
SPP to Cut Planning Reserve to 12%, Reduce Capacity Needs by 900 MW
SPP members voted last week to reduce the RTO’s planning reserve margin to 12% from the current 13.6%.

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