September 30, 2024

Resource Adequacy

Resource adequacy is the ability of electric grid operators to supply enough electricity at the right locations, using current capacity and reserves, to meet demand. It is expressed as the probability of an outage due to insufficient capacity.
Jupiter Power
ERCOT: Nearly 100 GW Available for Spring Demand
ERCOT says it will have almost 100 GW of seasonally rated capacity available to meet demand this spring, assuming normal weather and outages.
Monitoring Analytics
PJM Monitor: Rise in Fuel Costs Led to Record-high Prices in 2022
Average PJM LMPs doubled to a record-high $80/MWh last year, driven mostly by coal and natural gas prices, the RTO’s Independent Market Monitor reported.
Extreme Weather a Key RA Concern, Western Commissioners Say
While utility commissioners are concerned about variable generation when it comes to resource adequacy, it’s extreme weather that’s keeping them up at night.
North Carolina Utilities Commission
North Carolina Regulators Face Questions on Holiday Outages
The NCUC chair consumer advocate faced lawmakers' questions on the state's first-ever rotating outages stemming from a December storm.
NYISO Previews Capacity Accreditation Modeling Work
NYISO briefed the Installed Capacity/Market Issues Working Group on its efforts to improve capacity accreditation.
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EBA Addresses ‘Zeitgeist’ of Western Regionalization
The Energy Bar Association Western Chapter heard panelists and CAISO's CEO discuss rapidly evolving efforts to organize markets and an RA program in the West.
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MISO Stakeholders Debate Capacity Accreditation, RA
MISO’s attempt to justify a new resource accreditation process gave way to heated debate over how to best alleviate the footprint’s reliability challenges.
MISO Foresees Uneventful Spring Operations
MISO said a spring under typical demand and generation outages shouldn’t prove much trouble.
NRC OKs Exemption to Keep Diablo Canyon Running During License Renewal
Citing reliability concerns, the NRC OK'd a request to keep Diablo Canyon Power Plant's two reactors running past their license expirations in 2024 and 2025.
FERC Denies Exemption Requests from MISO Accreditation Rule
FERC shut down a pair of requests for exemptions from a resource availability cutoff under MISO’s new availability-based accreditation method.

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