Resource Adequacy
Resource adequacy is the ability of electric grid operators to supply enough electricity at the right locations, using current capacity and reserves, to meet demand. It is expressed as the probability of an outage due to insufficient capacity.
ERCOT and Texas regulators and politicians say the grid is ready for severe winter weather this time, but some stakeholders aren't so sure.
CAISO intends in 2022 to focus on long-term transmission planning, interconnecting storage and extending the real-time Western EIM to a day-ahead market.
ERCOT broke its silence on social media when it tweeted the release of its semiannual report that provides a 10-year forecast of its planning reserve margins.
MISO's 2022 to-do list will be dominated by getting major transmission built and crafting a seasonal capacity auction.
Resource adequacy concerns and market rules and transmission infrastructure to support state clean energy policies highlight the issues facing ISO-NE in 2022.
Members praised work done by PJM in the stakeholder process in the development of new rules for the interconnection process.
Interim CEO Brad Jones is working hard to restore confidence in ERCOT following February's winter storm with a cross-state listening tour.
FERC approved a rule to improve hydro dam safety by instituting a program of two-tier inspections performed by teams with site-specific expertise.
Stakeholders have extra time to register critiques of MISO’s plan to redefine its capacity market in the 2023-24 planning year.
ERCOT says it has received all but one winter readiness report from system generating resources as part of the state’s new winter readiness requirements.
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