March 10, 2025

Resource Adequacy

Resource adequacy is the ability of electric grid operators to supply enough electricity at the right locations, using current capacity and reserves, to meet demand. It is expressed as the probability of an outage due to insufficient capacity.
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‘Insane’ Heat, Outages May Stress ERCOT Grid
August-like weather that one weatherman called “categorically insane” will settle over Texas this weekend, leading to potential record demand for ERCOT.
ERCOT Board of Directors Briefs: April 28, 2022
ERCOT’s board sides with staff over a rule change that gives the ISO the authority to review, coordinate and approve or deny all planned generation outages.
PJM MRC/MC Briefs: April 27, 2022
The PJM MRC endorsed creating a new senior task force to study a potential market construct for procuring clean resource attributes in the RTO’s markets.
MISO Warns of Summer Emergencies, Load Shedding
MISO warned that even a normal amount of demand and generation outages will likely send it into emergency procedures this summer.
AES Indiana
Capacity Shortage Prompts MISO to Consider Broadened Retirement Studies
Faced with a capacity supply shortage in 2022/23, MISO is considering broadening its generator retirement studies to consider resource adequacy.
FERC, NERC Drill down on Generators’ Winter Readiness
FERC and NERC continue to gather information from utilities, generators and grid operators on maintaining electric reliability during severe cold weather.
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Overheard at RE+ Texas Conference
The RE+ Texas conference drew hundreds of renewable energy experts to the state that leads in wind production and may soon lead in solar energy too.
Sellers Urge FERC to Raise WECC Soft Price Cap
FERC ordered six more entities to refund the premiums they earned from sales into CAISO during the severe heat wave of August 2020.
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FERC Reverts to Plan B on CAISO Capacity Procurement Mechanism
FERC reversed a decision that allowed CAISO to include an adder in the formula for offers that exceed the soft cap for its capacity procurement mechanism.
Consumers Energy
MISO Officials Explain 2022/23 Capacity Auction Mechanics
MISO officials answered questions about the capacity shortfalls and expensive prices in the 2022/23 auction while stakeholders asked for more supply data.

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