Resource Adequacy

Resource adequacy is the ability of electric grid operators to supply enough electricity at the right locations, using current capacity and reserves, to meet demand. It is expressed as the probability of an outage due to insufficient capacity.
Counterflow: Texas Gifting — Still Yikes
Columnist Steve Huntoon remains wary of Berkshire Hathaway Energy's proposed 10 GW of emergency generation to solve Texas' resource adequacy issues.
Stakeholder Soapbox: Berkshire’s Proposal Will Prevent Another Texas Power Catastrophe
BHE Infrastructure Group CEO Chris Brown responds to Steve Huntoon's criticism of BHE's proposed power solution for severe weather in Texas.
Consensus Reached on Framework Document for NEPOOL Future Grid Study
The NEPOOL Markets and Reliability committees produced a consensus framework document and assumptions for Phase 1 of the Future Grid Reliability Study.
NYISO Management Committee Briefs: March 31, 2021
NYISO officials briefed the Management Committee on the ISO's performance during an historic snowstorm in December last year.
NARUC Report Examines California RA Problems
A NARUC report says California will need to use more advanced planning methods to ensure resource adequacy with an ever-growing reliance on renewables.
Black Start Fails in Final PJM MC Vote
PJM stakeholders rejected a compromise proposal on the controversial black start unit testing issue in a final vote at a MC meeting.
MISO, Stakeholders Disagree on Post-storm Accreditation
MISO staff and stakeholders clashed in front of board members on whether the RTO’s proposed capacity accreditation design should move forward.
ERCOT: In ‘Better Position’ for Summer Heat this Year
ERCOT projects record summer peak demand, but its preliminary assessment says power reserves “are in a better position” than in recent years.
CPUC, CAISO Take Major Steps for Summer Reliability
The CPUC and CAISO instituted new resource adequacy requirements and conservation programs in preparation for the coming summer.
PJM MOPR in the Crosshairs at FERC Tech Conference
PJM’s minimum offer price rule is living on borrowed time if the comments at FERC’s technical conference on capacity markets are any guide.

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