Resource Adequacy

Resource adequacy is the ability of electric grid operators to supply enough electricity at the right locations, using current capacity and reserves, to meet demand. It is expressed as the probability of an outage due to insufficient capacity.
Grid Operators Face Historic Arctic Blast
Extreme winter weather has placed much of the country’s heartland in a deep freeze and has MISO, SPP and ERCOT scrambling to meet anticipated record demand.
Xcel Energy
ERCOT Bracing for Winter Storm, Record Demand
ERCOT has issued several notices and advisories as it prepares for expected record electric usage into early next week.
CPUC Triples Resource Projections for CAISO Tx Plan
The California PUC approved a massive increase to its resource-needs projections, which CAISO will use in its transmission planning process for 2021/22.
CCAs Team Up to Buy Clean Energy, Storage Capacity
Eight of California’s community choice aggregators said they will join forces to create one of the state’s largest procurement entities.
MISO Sets Sights on 4-season Capacity Market
MISO said it is close to completing a proposal to create a four-season capacity market after floating a rudimentary plan with skeptical stakeholders.
SW Faces RA Shortfall in 2021 and Beyond, WECC Says
WECC's Desert Southwest region is at risk of failing to meet loads during its peak hour even under the most optimistic assumptions according to a new report
CAISO Advances Summer Readiness Plan
CAISO introduced a straw proposal that aims to attract supply this summer and head off shortfalls like those that led to rolling blackouts last year.
NWPP RA Program Taking Shape for Q3 Launch
The Northwest Power Pool is moving to wrap up the design phase of its regional resource adequacy program, stakeholders heard.
California Lawmakers Focus on Building Decarbonization
Legislators in Sacramento introduced bills to ban natural gas from new construction, promote hydrogen as a fuel source and increase DR to head off blackouts
ISO-NE Provides Initial Feedback on ‘Future Grid’ Study
ISO-NE said stakeholders’ proposed schedule for the Phase 1 reliability and market analyses in the Future Grid Initiative is "aggressive but achievable."

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