Resource Adequacy
Resource adequacy is the ability of electric grid operators to supply enough electricity at the right locations, using current capacity and reserves, to meet demand. It is expressed as the probability of an outage due to insufficient capacity.
ERCOT staff promised to reduce price corrections before asking the Board of Directors to approve a pair of them for two unrelated events.
CAISO said it plans to begin a stakeholder initiative on scarcity pricing with an issue paper and formal start in January.
MISO's resource adequacy staff is considering multiple options to implement a sub-annual capacity mechanism.
A report on the causes of California’s August blackouts contends that constrained transmission prevented much needed imports from reaching the state.
The CAISO Board of Governors bid farewell to its retired CEO, greeted a new leader and approved a plan to implement FERC Order 831.
Panelists during Greentech Media’s annual Power and Renewables Summit discussed what would help ensure resource adequacy in the Northeast.
CAISO's outgoing and incoming CEOs answered stakeholder questions in a roundtable discussion hosted by the EIM’s Regional Issues Forum.
PJM stakeholders endorsed expanding the use of synchrophasors and making them a requirement for certain projects under the RTEP.
FERC gave fast-track approval to CAISO Tariff changes meant to discourage sellers from failing to deliver on import energy bids.
A CAISO resource adequacy workshop could not have been more timely following the heat waves and energy emergencies of mid-August and Labor Day weekend.
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