Resource Adequacy
Resource adequacy is the ability of electric grid operators to supply enough electricity at the right locations, using current capacity and reserves, to meet demand. It is expressed as the probability of an outage due to insufficient capacity.
Four aging natural gas plants scheduled to retire in December will keep operating because of California’s anticipated capacity shortfall.
Observers cited dependence on imports, underperformance of natural gas and wind, and market manipulation as possible causes of California’s recent blackouts.
CAISO presented its final proposal of its effort to make it easier for energy storage and distributed energy resources to participate in markets.
CAISO and the California PUC and Energy Commission explained to Gov. Gavin Newsom why the state had two days of rolling blackouts recently.
A grueling heat wave that caused rolling blackouts and sparked wildfires across California is expected to abate somewhat starting Thursday.
CAISO said millions of residents could be blacked out this week because it does not have enough power to meet demand during the heat wave.
CAISO declared a Stage 3 emergency, ordering rolling blackouts across the service territories of the state's three big investor-owned utilities.
FERC approved new rules likely to reduce load-modifying resources’ capacity accreditation in MISO, despite several protests from RTO members.
SPP and Northwest Power Pool said they have agreed to work together in NWPP’s development of a comprehensive resource adequacy program.
PJM's Planning Committee endorsed the use of a 13-year load model with data from 2002-2014 for the 2020 reserve requirement study.
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