Resource Adequacy
Resource adequacy is the ability of electric grid operators to supply enough electricity at the right locations, using current capacity and reserves, to meet demand. It is expressed as the probability of an outage due to insufficient capacity.
MISO is proposing fixes to its LOLE study and capacity accreditation while it tries to determine if it should implement a seasonal capacity construct.
ERCOT said it will have sufficient installed capacity available to meet projected peak demand this winter and spring.
An August energy emergency alert that had SPP one contingency away from shedding load has renewed calls for scarcity pricing to ensure adequate reserves.
MISO is preparing for emergency conditions this winter despite projecting 40 GW of excess capacity to meet the forecasted peak in January.
PJM’s Planning Committee deferred voting on a proposal regarding critical infrastructure mitigation projects for a webinar planned to discuss transparency.
MISO's Resource Adequacy Subcommittee discussed delaying deliverability requirement changes, limiting extended planned outages and deadlines for the PRA.
The NYISO Management Committee discussed the ISO's draft 2020 budget, two July heat waves, and new energy and business management systems in development.
The New England Power Pool Markets Committee voted to amend Market Rule 1 to limit the retention of resources for fuel security to a two-year maximum.
The MISO footprint didn’t come close to its forecasted summertime peak, but ways to improve resource adequacy were on the minds of those at Board Week.
CAISO’s Board of Governors heard that the ISO could face capacity shortages as soon as next year if steps aren’t taken to address the potential shortfall.
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