Resource Adequacy
Resource adequacy is the ability of electric grid operators to supply enough electricity at the right locations, using current capacity and reserves, to meet demand. It is expressed as the probability of an outage due to insufficient capacity.
ERCOT is forecasting record peak demand with increased potential emergency alerts this summer, given its historically low planning reserve margin of 7.4%.
In the wake of its Jan. grid emergency, MISO pledged to further study generation cutoffs in extreme temperatures and improvements to its load forecasting.
MISO CEO John Bear opened GCPA’s MISO South Regional Conference with the RTO’s strategic initiatives and the five “500-year” storms it has experienced.
PJM members will vote next month on a proposal to move all MRC and MC meetings to the RTO's Conference and Training Center in Valley Forge, Pa.
ERCOT is “much more likely” to deal with “emergency-alert type conditions” this summer given the system’s 7.4% reserve margin, CEO Bill Magness said.
ERCOT CEO Bill Magness told the Board of Directors the grid operator will use favorable budget variances to fund the addition of real-time co-optimization.
Stakeholders are urging MISO to slow downits disjointed resource availability and need effort until it can measure the effects of 3 related FERC filings.
MISO’s recent resource adequacy filings with FERC will affect the timeline of an otherwise unremarkable capacity auction in terms of load forecasts.
MISO managed its eighth maximum generation event in six years last month despite the difficulty of pulling together the forecast leading up to the episode.
ISO-NE concluded Forward Capacity Auction 13, the 1st run under the CASPR rules, at the lowest clearing price in six years.
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