The Southwest Power Pool is a regional transmission organization that coordinates the reliability of the transmission system and balances electric supply and demand in all or parts of Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas and Wyoming.
MISO Readies JTIQ Filings, Hints at More Tx Portfolios with SPP
Two years after announcing its $1.8 billion Joint Targeted Interconnection Queue transmission portfolio with SPP, MISO is putting final touches on FERC filings to make it happen.
SPP’s REAL Team Approves Base PRMs, Sufficiency Value Curve
SPP’s REAL Team approved base planning reserve margins and a sufficiency valuation curve, codifying months of work.
SPP Files to Incorporate Western Entities into RTO
SPP filed bylaw amendments at FERC to place seven Western entities under its tariff that, if approved, will make the RTO the first grid operator with markets in both major interconnections.
SPP: Enough Generation to Meet Summer Demand
SPP says it will have enough generation to meet energy demand despite higher regional temperatures this summer, according to its biannual seasonal assessment.
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SPP Monitor Collins Joins ERCOT as VP of Market Ops
ERCOT hired Keith Collins, who directs SPP’s Market Monitoring Unit, as its new vice president of market operations to replace Kenan Ögelman.
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SPP’s REAL Team Moves Package of Policies
SPP’s resource adequacy stakeholder group has moved several policies that indicate the team’s work is “coming home” after months of presentations and discussions.
Tri-State CEO Gives Update on Energy Transition
Tri-State CEO Duane Highley spoke with ACP CEO Jason Grumet about how cooperatives are managing the transition from coal to renewables and balancing clean energy goals with reliability.
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FERC to SPP: Show More Work on PRM Determination
FERC found SPP’s tariff revisions laying out how it determines its planning reserve margin methodology only partly met the commission’s order on rehearing and directed an additional compliance filing.
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SPP Board of Directors/MC Briefs: May 7, 2024
SPP CEO Barbara Sugg warned the RTO’s board and stakeholders that the grid operator faces new and stronger headwinds, even as it met its corporate goals’ first-quarter milestones.
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SPP’s Stakeholder Process Attracts Markets+ Participants
SPP says its stakeholder-driven culture is key to Markets+' success in the Western Interconnection.

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