The Southwest Power Pool is a regional transmission organization that coordinates the reliability of the transmission system and balances electric supply and demand in all or parts of Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas and Wyoming.
Western Area Power Administration
MISO Lodges 2nd Complaint Against SPP over Disputed Crypto Load on M2M Flowgate
MISO has registered a separate complaint with FERC to retract market-to-market coordination with SPP on a contentious flowgate persistently taxed by a North Dakota cryptocurrency mining operation.
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Overheard at 10th Annual GCPA MISO-SPP Forum
The Gulf Coast Power Association's 10th annual MISO-SPP Forum centered its focus on the energy transition before a record crowd in New Orleans.
FERC Finds SPP Partly Complies with Order 2222
SPP’s latest attempt to comply with FERC Order 2222 has resulted in the commission’s partial acceptance and a directive to make another compliance filing.
Brattle Group
NV Energy to Reap More from EDAM than Markets+, Report Shows

NV Energy would gain significantly more economic benefits from participating in CAISO’s EDAM than SPP’s Markets+, new analysis from the Brattle Group shows.

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IMIP Sends Markets+ Tariff on to SPP Board
Independent SPP directors overseeing Markets+’s development in the Western Interconnection have lent their approval to the market’s draft tariff, the culmination of several months of drafting and refinement. 
WER Architects-Planners
SPP: Integrated Marketplace Yields $10.2B in Savings
SPP marked the 10th anniversary of its day-ahead, real-time Integrated Marketplace by saying it has provided more than $10.2 billion in savings to members since its launch in 2014.
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‘Bigger Stuff’ is Coming for SPP’s REAL Team
SPP’s Resource and Energy Leadership Team marked the one-year anniversary of its formation with yet another discussion of resource adequacy issues and the various metrics used to determine a reliability standard.
ERCOT CEO Cool to Linking to Neighboring RTOs
ERCOT CEO Pablo Vegas threw cold water on the possibility of linking the ISO and the national grid’s other two interconnections.
Interim CEO Fowke Explains AEP Leadership Change
One day after removing Julie Sloat as its CEO and installing former Xcel Energy CEO Bob Fowke on an interim basis, AEP used its quarterly earnings call to add further color to the board's decision.
SPP Markets+ Stakeholders Prep Tariff for Approval
Potential participants in SPP’s Markets+ day-ahead offering have endorsed another batch of tariff revisions in preparation for a March filing at FERC.

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