March 14, 2025


The Southwest Power Pool is a regional transmission organization that coordinates the reliability of the transmission system and balances electric supply and demand in all or parts of Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas and Wyoming.
SPP Strategic Planning Committee Briefs: Oct. 13, 2021
SPP’s Strategic Planning Committee approved a task force’s recommended framework to manage DC tie revenue-requirement recovery in the proposed RTO West.
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SPP Markets and Operations Policy Committee: Oct. 11-12, 2021
SPP is searching for ways to advocate change in the natural gas industry following the latter's role in February’s disastrous winter storm outages.
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Western Utilities to Explore Market Options
Major Western utilities plan to discuss coordinated market services and the possible formation of an organized market in an exploratory group.
SPP Board of Directors/Members Committee Briefs: July 26-27, 2021
SPP released a comprehensive report on the week of February's severe winter storm, calling it the most operationally challenging week in its 80-year history.
Commitment Deadline Set for SPP West Participation
SPP is closing to setting a date by which interested members of its WEIS market must commit to full RTO membership.
SPP Markets and Operations Policy Committee Briefs: July 12-13, 2021
Renewable developers said SPP's plan to resolve a four-year backlog of GI requests by 2024 sets an example for the other RTOs to follow.
SPP CEO Pitches WECC on Western Benefits
SPP CEO Barbara Sugg briefed WECC’s Board of Directors last week on the RTO’s efforts in the Western Interconnection and potential benefits for stakeholders there, including full membership in SPP’s proposed RTO West. SPP operates as a reliability coordinator in parts of the West and is helping the Northwest Power Pool develop a multistate resource …
SPP Accrues Another $13.25M in M2M Settlements
SPP accrued $13.25 million in market-to-market settlements from MISO for April, pushing its total to $146.63 million since the process began in 2014.
Colorado Energy Office
Xcel Delays Joining EIM to Examine Options
Xcel's Public Service Company of Colorado decided to delay its entry into CAISO's Western Energy Imbalance Market in order to re-examine its decision.
SPP Board/Members Committee Briefs: April 27, 2021
SPP stakeholders approved staff’s recommendation to withdraw a competitive transmission project that was opposed by the incumbent transmission owner, Evergy.

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