March 14, 2025


The Southwest Power Pool is a regional transmission organization that coordinates the reliability of the transmission system and balances electric supply and demand in all or parts of Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas and Wyoming.
SPP Board/Members Committee Briefs: April 27, 2021
SPP stakeholders approved staff’s recommendation to withdraw a competitive transmission project that was opposed by the incumbent transmission owner, Evergy.
SPP Strategic Plan Begins to Take Form
SPP’s Strategic Planning Committee OK'd draft mission, vision and value-proposition statements, a step toward a new strategic plan.
SPP MOPC Briefs: April 12-13, 2021
SPP's Markets and Operations Policy Committee discussed the RTO's generation interconnection backlog and its performance during February's cold snap.
MISO-SPP Targeted Interconnection Study Moves Forward
The MISO-SPP joint targeted interconnection queue study has moved into its technical phase with a promise of more stakeholder involvement.
SPP Launches Review of Storm Response
SPP is reviewing its response to the recent winter storm that swept through its footprint, leading to the RTO's first rolling blackouts.
SPP RSC Finalizes Recommendations for SLC
SPP’s state regulators agreed on revisions to a package of recommendations, including one that prioritizes resolving rate pancaking.
SPP Board of Directors/MC Briefs: Jan. 27, 2021
The SPP Board of Directors formally recognized the MOPC’s revamped structure by approving the revised scopes for the committee’s various subgroups.
SPP MOPC Briefs: Jan. 11-12, 2021
SPP staff unveiled a proposed mitigation plan to reduce the four-year backlog in the RTO’s generation interconnection queue.
SPP Stakeholders Fill Open Committee Positions
SPP’s Corporate Governance Committee approved nominations for several open positions on stakeholder groups to go before the Board of Directors.
High Marks for SPP’s Performance in 2020
SPP staff said that stakeholders’ overall satisfaction with the RTO’s services and performance rose during 2020, even as survey responses dropped.

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