Markets+Other SPP CommitteesSPP Board of Directors & Members CommitteeSPP Markets and Operations Policy CommitteeSPP Regional State CommitteeSPP Seams Advisory GroupSPP Strategic Planning CommitteeWestern Energy Imbalance Service (WEIS)
The Southwest Power Pool is a regional transmission organization that coordinates the reliability of the transmission system and balances electric supply and demand in all or parts of Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas and Wyoming.
Talk of a Western RTO continued at the 11th annual gathering of the Western Power Issues Roundtable, after several shakeups in the Western Interconnection.
Southwest Power Pool (SPP) has kicked off an effort to develop an alternative rate structure for recovering its administrative costs.
FERC approved Tariff revisions that will finally allow the Southwest Power Pool to implement a resource adequacy requirement.
The SPP Board of Directors approved a Tariff change requiring non-dispatchable variable energy resources (NDVERs) to register as dispatchable (DVERs).
SPP met in Colorado with Western entities that have expressed interest in its reliability coordinator services, committed to providing RC services for WECC.
Regulators from the SPP and MISO footprints are banding together to take on seams issues created by what one industry expert calls “RTO gerrymandering.”
Infocast’s first SPP and MISO Markets Summit attracted participants and industry representatives from the RTOs’ footprints for panel discussions.
The SPP MOPC agreed to create a task force to evaluate a proposal that would change the recovery mechanism for the RTO’s administrative fee.
The SPP Markets and Operations Policy Committee approved the Integrated Transmission Planning process’s 2018 near-term assessment portfolio.
MISO and SPP announced they plan to relax barriers that have prevented them from agreeing to develop interregional projects.
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