SPP Strategic Planning Committee

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SPP Strategic Planning Committee Briefs: Oct. 18, 2018
SPP Board of Directors Chair Larry Altenbaumer unveiled a proposal to reduce the number of face-to-face meetings and add more executive sessions.
SPP: FERC Resiliency Effort Should Go Beyond RTOs
SPP’s Strategic Planning Committee and other stakeholders reviewed a draft of a staff-written response to FERC’s grid resiliency docket.
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SPP Strategic Planning Committee Briefs
SPP’s Strategic Planning Committee decided it will respond to FERC’s request for a definition of “resilience,” rather than turning the effort over to a task force.
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SPP Signs on to RTO Council’s Comments on DOE NOPR
SPP said it will join the ISO/RTO Council’s filing against the Department of Energy’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to support struggling coal and nuclear.
SPP to Consider Tx Planning Policy for Energy-Only Resources
SPP staff agreed to bring stakeholders a strawman proposal addressing concerns over the RTO’s transmission planning policy for energy-only resources.
Load Migrations Put SPP’s Focus on Retention
SPP is confronting the possibility that as much as 1,300 MW of additional load could leave its system.
SPP Strategic Planning Committee Briefs: July 13, 2017
The SPP Strategic Planning Committee directed RTO staff to move forward with a high-priority congestion study that earlier failed to gain traction.
SPP Briefs: Week of June 28
SPP stakeholders spent two hours discussing the need for a congestion study in the Texas Panhandle, only to determine that more discussion is needed.
SPP Advances KCPL Cost Shift Proposal
SPP’s Strategic Planning Committee ended discussion on cost shifts within existing pricing zones, agreeing unanimously to let the MOPC take up the issue.
No Consensus for SPP on Zonal Price Shifts
Zonal price shifts may soon surpass transmission upgrade credits as one of the most vexing problems facing SPP stakeholders.

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