
Feds Accuse Tenn. Man of Substation Attack Plot
The FBI accused a Tennessee man of attempting to damage an electric substation using a drone loaded with explosives.
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SPP Board/Regional State Committee Briefs: Oct. 28-29, 2024
SPP’s Board of Directors has approved the RTO’s 2025 operating and capital budgets and its net revenue requirement following a unanimous endorsement by the Members Committee.
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PJM MRC Briefs: Oct. 30, 2024
The PJM Markets and Reliability Committee endorsed two issue charges sponsored by LS Power addressing the transparency and functionality of PJM’s marginal effective load-carrying capability accreditation methodology.
SPP, AECI Release Draft Joint Study to Stakeholders
SPP and Associated Electric Cooperative Inc. have given stakeholders until Nov. 15 to review a draft study that has identified potential joint transmission projects mutually beneficial to both grid operators.
FERC Dives into Data Center Co-location Debate at Technical Conference
A common refrain at FERC’s technical conference on the co-location of data centers was that the issue is just part the broader problem of resource adequacy.
Talen Energy
FERC Rejects Expansion of Co-located Data Center at Susquehanna Nuclear Plant
FERC rejected an amended ISA filed by PJM to allow an existing data center co-located at a Talen Energy nuclear plant to expand, saying it did not meet the commission's standards for changes from its pro forma rules.
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SPP Board Approves $7.65B ITP, Delays Contentious Issue
SPP’s Board of Directors approved the grid operator’s “historic” $7.65 billion package of transmission projects, but delayed a decision on a need date for two of the projects after stakeholders pushed back on staff’s staging recommendations.
Exelon Reports 80% Increase in Data Center Forecasts in Q3 Earnings
Exelon CEO Calvin Butler told investors the utility's data center forecast has increased about 80% during an earnings call.
Rosner Hopeful for Consensus on Order 1920 Rehearing
FERC Commissioner David Rosner talked about his hope for more consensus on rehearing for Order 1920, and a panel of experts discussed supply chain issues at the WIRES fall meeting.
FERC Grants SPP Waiver for GI Queue Backlog
FERC approved SPP’s waiver request to delay processing its 2024 generator interconnection study cluster as the RTO works to clear a backlog of GI requests dating back to 2018.

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