The Department of Energy’s Loan Programs Office announced three conditional loans totaling more than $11 billion, to be used to build interregional transmission, an electric vehicle factory and virtual power plants.
ERCOT stakeholders have approved a pair of protocol changes related to transmission planning as the Texas grid operator continues to grapple with connecting incoming load to its system.
The PJM Markets and Reliability Committee voted to endorse a proposal to create an expedited process to study some interconnection requests.
Constellation filed a complaint at FERC seeking to formalize the guidance PJM has on co-located demand, saying it should be included in the tariff.
Energy leaders from the U.S. and Canada grappled with the challenges of balancing decarbonization and affordability at the New England-Canada Business Council’s Executive Energy Conference.
MISO further embraced the industry’s move to chance-based transmission planning by hosting a Probabilistic Planning Symposium at its headquarters.
FERC rejected SPP’s proposed tariff revisions to implement a multiday economic commitment process, agreeing with the MMU that it introduces a potential gaming opportunity.
FERC approved Order 1920-A, addressing rehearing arguments from the previous order by granting states more guarantees that their views on cost allocation would be considered, among other changes.
Powerex intends to terminate a large portion of its rights on PacifiCorp’s transmission system in response to the utility’s plans to update its transmission tariff to align with CAISO’s EDAM.
MISO hopes to file a proposal in February to create an exclusive, faster route through its interconnection queue for generation projects that are key to maintaining resource adequacy.
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