Financial Transmission Rights (FTR)
PJM will consider relaxing rules for up-to congestion transactions under a problem statement approved last week.
The MIC approved the sunset of the Financial Transmission Rights Task Force.
A proposal to allow intra-year switching to nodal pricing failed, falling just short of the two-thirds vote needed for approval.
PJM's market monitor released data showing that up-to congestion (UTC) transactions are increasing shortfalls in Financial Transmission Rights (ftr) funding.
The PJM Market Monitor's mid-year report detailed rebounding energy prices and coal generation in the first half of 2013 as natural gas costs increased from record lows.
Below are the new market monitor recommendations included in the PJM Market Monitor’s State of the Market report for the first half of 2013.
RTO Insider: PJM Members hit the brakes Wednesday on a proposed new product for coordinated transaction scheduling trades between PJM and the New York ISO.
PJM TOs flexed their muscles Wednesday, uniting to reject proposals to allow network load customers more frequent opportunities to switch to nodal pricing.
In a split decision for financial traders, an appellate court Monday sent a dispute regarding PJM’s line-loss collections back to FERC.
PJM members will be asked tomorrow to approve a new power scheduling option for transactions into the New York ISO to reduce uneconomic power flows.
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