Transmission Operations
FERC once again has determined the continuing payments MISO is making to a Wisconsin coal plant to stay online to sustain system reliability might be too steep.
NYISO requested a three-year extension to comply with FERC Order 881, saying it needs more time to implement software and hardware updates needed to support ambient-adjusted ratings on transmission lines.
A new coalition launched to push transmission expansion, while a recent paper put some numbers on how expanding the grid can impact different companies' profits - both positively and negatively.
PJM said the grid maintained reliability through nearly a week of harsh winter conditions during the winter storm that blanketed much of the nation in mid-January.
California regulators approved the penalty against Pacific Gas and Electric for the utility’s role in the the second-largest wildfire in the state’s history.
The NYPSC has established the Advanced Technology Working Group to identify and deploy new clean energy technologies, supporting the state’s net-zero goals.
FERC Commissioner Allison Clements has focused her energy on grid-enhancing technologies since joining the commission and taken a key role in helping establish appropriate incentive mechanisms.
New York is moving to limit the use of sulfur hexafluoride in electrical power and distribution equipment and to reduce leakage of the most potent greenhouse gas.
NYISO announced that New York's behind-the-meter solar capacity has exceeded 5,000 MW, a significant step towards the state's 2030 goal of 10,000 MW in distributed solar energy.
NYISO’s Business issues Committee approved testing of dynamic reserves, changes to the LCR optimizer, and new capacity accreditation rules.
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