Transmission Operations
NYISO’s budget would increase 2.5% next year but the rate schedule charge will increase 5.6% because of a forecasted drop in throughput.
FERC extended the compliance deadline for its interconnection queue rulemaking by four months, to April 3, 2024.
FERC approved an open access transmission tariff for the SunZia HVDC line in the Southwest, which will govern how the merchant project can sell any additional capacity it has going forward.
The NYSRC Executive Committee approved the modeling assumptions for its 2024/25 installed reserve margin requirement study base case and discussed potential cap-and-invest updates.
PJM reported that synchronized reserve resource operators have reported several reasons for shortfalls in their response rates, including operating under a ruleset FERC rejected last year.
CAISO’s issuance of energy emergency watches and alerts in July came under conditions that mirrored those during California’s September 2022 heatwave.
A report released by ACORE and Grid United highlighted how Europe is using HVDC transmission lines to advance its decarbonization efforts and explained how the U.S. could do the same.
The NYISO Operating Committee approved three studies aimed at helping the ISO alleviate congestion on its grid.
NYISO secured Business Issues Committee approval of the ISO’s proposal to create separate capacity demand curves for summer and winter beginning with the 2025/2026 capability year.
A report from Moody's Investors Service asserted that, despite a need for transmission investment, regulatory bottlenecking is causing significant delay for utilities.
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