Transmission Operations

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Canadian Wildfires Trigger ISO-NE Capacity Deficiency
Canadian wildfires caused just the third ISO-NE capacity deficiency since 2016, demonstrating the increasing reliability threat of climate change.
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FERC Rejects PG&E Standard Interconnection Agreement
FERC rejected PG&E's proposed transmission-to-transmission interconnection agreement, which generated strong opposition.
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Overheard at EEI 2023
The clean energy transition, the technology and funding to make it happen, were the focus of the Edison Electric Institute’s annual forum.
Order 881 Timelines Need Explaining, FERC Says
FERC issued orders directing transmission providers to clarify their timelines for calculating and submitting ambient-adjusted line ratings under Order 881.
MISO Modeling Line Options for 2nd LRTP Portfolio
MISO said it’s on track this year to map out the new transmission lines it will require under the second portfolio of its long-range transmission plan to keep the grid stable.
FERC Approves More Extreme Weather Rules
FERC approved new rules intended to strengthen the grid against both extreme heat and cold weather events.
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PJM OC Briefs: June 8, 2023
The OC endorsed a joint proposal for PJM, transmission owners and market participants to increase information sharing ahead of extended transmission outages.
Speaker Kevin McCarthy
Debt Ceiling Bill Provides ‘Mini-deal’ on Permitting
A debt ceiling compromise reached by President Biden and House Speaker McCarthy would cut NEPA review times but would not roll back IRA climate provisions.
MISO, SPP Staffs Take Crack at Rate Pancaking
SPP and MISO plan to draft a white paper on rate pancaking and unreserved use, two issues that bedevil utilities along the RTOs’ seam.
NYISO Operating Committee Briefs: May 20, 2023
The OC approved the results of an ISO operating study showing New York’s bulk power system can operate reliably this summer based on transfer capabilities.

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