Transmission Operations
FERC has corrected an “incorrect statement” by making a small modification to its annual Winter Energy Market and Reliability Assessment issued last week.
FERC approved an agreement that will keep an Ameren Missouri coal plant online past its planned retirement date to maintain MISO grid reliability.
FERC last week affirmed the Henderson, Ky., municipal utility’s status as a transmission owner in the MISO region.
NYISO recommended removing NY-PJM IROL limitations as well as highlighted and approved manual updates related to ancillary services and reliability needs.
New ways of paying for transmission could increase interregional transfer capacity and improve reliability, speakers told the EBA’s Mid-Year Energy Forum.
New Jersey pension funds would be forced to divest from the largest 200 publicly traded fossil fuel companies under a controversial new bill.
AEP and Liberty Utilities have struck an amended sale agreement that cuts the price of AEP Kentucky operations by $200 million and extends the deal's timeline.
PJM's MRC rejected two proposals intended to allow market sellers to represent a greater degree of the risk they take on when entering the capacity market.
SPP is taking another crack at adding counterflow optimization to the congestion-hedging process following a late-August workshop.
MISO, its Monitor and members debated the best course to implementing ambient adjusted line ratings during a Sept. 15 Advisory Committee discussion.
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