Transmission Operations
ISO-NE updated NEPOOL on its proposal to change the interconnection jurisdiction for DERs and compliance with FERC Order 881.
FERC upheld its finding that CAISO’s temporary wheel-through restrictions do not violate open-access principles and approved a two-year extension of them.
MISO said the transmission line behind its path linking the Midwest and South regions has been out of commission since late 2021 and is set to stay on outage.
SPP is working to strengthen its relationship with public interest organizations in addressing the evolving grid and its continued focus on decarbonization.
State regulators face the conundrum of how to get more clean energy on already congested power lines; a NARUC Winter Policy Summit panel offered some answers.
FERC opened a docket on the costs and benefits of dynamic line ratings, an initiative it signaled in its December order banning static line ratings.
The New York PSC lauded Central Hudson Gas and Electric and assisting parties for their quick response to outages stemming from the early February blizzard.
The NYISO BIC approved capacity import limits for 2022/23 and discussed FERC's deficiency letter regarding the ISO's comprehensive mitigation review filing.
NYISO staff briefed stakeholders on the schedule for the ISO’s initiative to develop market participation rules for internal controllable lines.
Multiple cold weather close calls in January highlighted what ISO-NE says are vulnerabilities in the region's grid.
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