Transmission Planning
Duke Energy’s leadership changed the guard during its first-quarter earnings call as retiring CEO Lynn Good and her replacement, Harry Sideris, split the presentation.
BPA has temporarily paused certain transmission planning processes to consider new reforms in light of “exponential growth” of transmission service requests, staff told stakeholders during a workshop.
A band of incumbent utilities has collected case studies that they say demonstrate the need to instate or maintain the right of first refusal for the good of grid expansion.
NYISO still is looking for clarification on President Donald Trump’s pending 10% tariff on energy imports, Mark Seibert, manager of ISO member relations, told the Liaison Subcommittee.
The U.S. electric power industry faces unprecedented challenges from the size, pace and impacts of demand growth and should look to new approaches for possible solutions, according to speakers at NASEO’s Energy Policy Outlook Conference.
PJM's Transmission Expansion Advisory Committee heard a presentation about the preliminary 2029 congestion results in the 2024/25 Base Case.
SPP’s Board of Directors has approved a one-time process to quickly add generation so load-responsible entities can meet their resource adequacy needs under the grid operator’s planning reserve margin requirements.
Xcel Energy CEO Bob Frenzel said the Trump administration’s energy-related executive orders will have little effect on the company’s operations.
FERC Chair Mark Christie gave public remarks to NASEO's conference, laying out some of the major issues the agency will tackle under his leadership.
SPP’s Board of Directors approved eight short-term reliability projects, a $3.15 billion package with immediate transmission needs for this year through 2028.
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