Transmission Planning

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Exiting MISO President Proud of Tx Trailblazing, Says Load Growth Doable
MISO President Clair Moeller predicted MISO will face a few tough years before securing enough generation to tame load growth and fashioning operational tools that help subdue the volatility of renewable energy.
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MISO Tells Board RA Fast Lane in Interconnection Queue is a Must
MISO told its Board of Directors that drafting an interconnection queue express lane for generators that resolves resource adequacy risks and has stamps of approval from regulators is essential.
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MISO Board Endorses $21.8B Long-range Transmission Plan
The MISO Board of Directors approved a landmark, 24-project, mostly 765-kV collection of transmission lines and facilities for the RTO’s Midwest region at a cost of $21.8 billion.
SPP Board Approves Need Dates for Last ITP Projects
SPP’s Board of Directors has approved the winter-weather staging of a pair of transmission projects that have been held up since October by stakeholder concerns.
Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission
Virginia Legislature Report Tackles How to Meet Surging Demand from Data Centers
A report from the Virginia legislature released shows how quickly data centers are growing in the state and addresses how to meet that demand, with some suggestions for policymakers.
PJM PC/TEAC Briefs: Dec. 3, 2024
The PJM Planning Committee endorsed revisions to Manual 14H to clarify the changes developers can make to the site control requirements for their projects at different phases of the interconnection process.
FERC Fines PSE&G $6.6M for Inaccurate Info on Transmission Line
FERC's Office of Enforcement and PSE&G reached an agreement imposing a $6.6 million penalty on the utility over allegations it provided PJM with inaccurate information about the condition of a transmission line in New Jersey.
FERC Rejects PJM and Transmission Owners’ CTOA Proposals
FERC rejected proposals from PJM and its transmission owners that would have changed regional planning, by moving those rules to the tariff from the operating agreement, while also giving transmission owners more authority over the process.
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Stakeholders Seek More Details on BPA’s ‘Evolving Grid’ Projects
Stakeholders urged the Bonneville Power Administration to provide more transparency regarding the agency’s multibillion-dollar initiative to build and upgrade transmission to address evolving challenges for the region's grid.
ERCOT Board of Directors Briefs: Dec. 2-3, 2024
ERCOT’s Board of Directors signed off on staff’s recommendation to move forward with executing an RMR contract for CPS Energy’s Braunig Unit 3, deferring a decision on the gas plant’s other two smaller units.

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