September 27, 2024

Transmission Planning

BOEM to Auction Six New Lease Areas in NY Bight
Increasing its bet on offshore wind, the Biden administration said it will auction six lease areas near New York, enough to site at least 5.6 GW of generation.
DOE to Tackle Tx Siting, Financing, Permitting in Better Grid Initiative
DOE announced the launch of the Building a Better Grid Initiative, aimed at building out long-distance, high-voltage transmission lines.
Darren McGee, Office of Governor
New York to Invest $500M in OSW Infrastructure
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul on Wednesday announced plans to invest $500 million in offshore wind manufacturing and supply chain infrastructure.
New York TOs Defend New Public Policy Tx Category
New York transmission owners urged the PSC to reject a challenge to its new category for projects intended to help the state meet its climate goals.
Solar Landscape
MOPR, Capacity Auction Highlight 2021 for PJM
PJM's year was punctuated by changes in the capacity market as votes by stakeholders led to the implementation of the RTO’s narrowed MOPR.
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg via Twitter
Build Back Better and Beyond: Insights for the Year Ahead
While the Build Back Better Act was knocked off the front pages by the resurgence of COVID-19, the bill will likely reclaim attention this month.
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CAISO Takes on Transmission, EDAM in 2022
CAISO intends in 2022 to focus on long-term transmission planning, interconnecting storage and extending the real-time Western EIM to a day-ahead market.
DTE Energy
MISO in 2022: Seasonal Capacity, Fleet Turnover and Tx Planning
MISO's 2022 to-do list will be dominated by getting major transmission built and crafting a seasonal capacity auction.
Vineyard Wind
ISO-NE, States Seek to Build on ‘Alignment’ Efforts
Resource adequacy concerns and market rules and transmission infrastructure to support state clean energy policies highlight the issues facing ISO-NE in 2022.
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Consumer Advocates Request Rehearing on PJM Rate-base Network Upgrades
A group of consumer advocates requested rehearing of FERC’s decision to open a paper hearing on PJM TOs’ proposal to add network upgrades to their rate base.

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