September 27, 2024

Transmission Planning

SOO Green
PPL Acquires Portion of SOO Green Project
PPL has acquired a portion of the SOO Green HVDC Link, giving the Pennsylvania-based energy company a role in the controversial transmission project.
Raab Associates
Glick, Panel Discuss Critical Role of Tx in Decarbonizing NE
FERC Chair Richard Glick delivered the keynote speech at Raab’s New England Electricity Restructuring Roundtable, which focused on transmission planning.
Conn. Regulator Nudges ISO-NE to Share Tx Data to Support OSW
State solicitations have helped lower offshore wind prices, but DEEP Commissioner Katie Dykes says the next challenge for the sector is transmission.
Texas Admin Monitor
Texas PUC Directs Transmission Construction in Valley
The Texas PUC exercised its newfound authority to bypass ERCOT’s stakeholder process and direct utilities to add a second circuit to an existing line.
Counterflow: Participant Funding and Its Discontents
Steve Huntoon says the participant funding model makes as much sense today as it did 20 years ago — despite FERC's second thoughts expressed in its July ANOPR.
Tensions Boil over MISO South Attitudes on Long-range Transmission Planning
Divisions between MISO and MISO South stakeholders deepened over the RTO’s long-range transmission plan.
ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee Briefs: Sept. 22, 2021
ISO-NE is proposing a pilot study to analyze the potential curtailments experienced by new generation from the addition of offshore wind on Cape Cod.
SOO Green
SOO Green Seeks Relief from PJM Rule on External Capacity
The developer of a proposed 2,100-MW HVDC line escalated its fight with PJM, asking FERC to eliminate capacity rules it says are blocking it from competing.
NEPOOL Reliability Committee Briefs: Sept. 21, 2021
ISO-NE will propose tariff changes as a result of “lessons learned” from its first competitive transmission solicitation under Order 1000 last year.
Two Transmission Projects Selected to Bring Low-carbon Power to NYC
New York selected the Clean Path and the Champlain Hudson Power Express transmission projects from among seven submitted to the CES Tier 4 solicitation.

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