Transmission Rates
Participants at the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners’ Winter Policy Summit emphasized the need for additional investment in the grid.
FERC denied LS Power’s two petitions for recovery of costs in case the development of a 285-mile transmission line is abandoned, saying the developer failed to adequately show the project’s benefits.
FERC approved PJM's annual update to its tariff’s cost responsibility assignments for transmission projects set to be completed in 2025.
MISO transmission owners have again taken arguments against FERC’s most recent return on equity decision to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals.
FERC Chair Mark Christie gave public remarks to NASEO's conference, laying out some of the major issues the agency will tackle under his leadership.
Dominion Energy reported that its Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind project will cost 9% more than initially expected, thanks to higher-than-expected PJM network upgrade costs.
FERC ordered hearing and settlement proceedings into a Missouri electric distribution cooperative’s effort to split from the Wabash Valley Power Association and earn rates on its own as a transmission owner in MISO.
President Donald Trump, who appointed Mark Christie to FERC in 2020 during his first term, has now selected him as the commission's new chair.
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals has dismissed transmission customers’ argument against ITC Midwest receiving an abandonment rate incentive for an Iowa line segment included MISO long-range transmission planning.
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