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FERC has received rehearing requests on Order 1920 ranging from stakeholders who just want to see a few tweaks, to those who prefer the commission trash the entire order and start over.
The states that filed for a rehearing of FERC Order 1920 on transmission planning and cost allocation either argue the federal regulator is overstepping its authority or want changes to the order to ensure it doesn’t upset ongoing regional planning efforts.
FERC requested stakeholder arguments on whether SEEM should be considered a loose power pool under Order 888.
FERC Commissioner Allison Clements said Order 1920 will make it easier for states to address the changes facing the industry.
A FERC administrative law judge found that Basin Electric Power Cooperative improperly included the costs of a for-profit gasification business in its wholesale electricity rates.
FERC approved CAISO tariff revisions that will allow transmission owners to recover transmission revenue shortfalls attributed to transitioning their assets into the Extended Day-Ahead Market.
Top utility commissioners from four New England states emphasized the need for regulatory innovation to preserve affordability amid the clean energy transition at the New England Energy Conference and Exposition.
FERC upheld the contract termination payment rules for Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association it approved last year, though it modified some of its original order in response to requests for clarification.
FERC rejected PacifiCorp’s request to include in its Open Access Transmission Tariff the interest it pays when refunding advance payments such as interconnection study deposits.
The ultimate future of FERC Order 1920 depends on rehearing, implementation and inevitable litigation, but after reading through the order itself in the past week, many stakeholders see it as an important step forward in expanding the grid.
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