Transmission Rates
FERC granted American Electric Power waivers to alter the capacity obligation calculation for four of its vertically integrated utilities in PJM to not include load growth outside their territories.
With FERC potentially issuing a final rule on transmission planning this year, the issue of whether it should curtail competition is the subject of dueling reports filed in the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking’s docket.
The New York Public Service Commission requested a rehearing of FERC’s December order granting a 50-basis-point RTO participation adder for the Propel NY Energy transmission project.
FERC partially granted two challenges arguing that AEP subsidiaries in SPP and PJM had not properly reflected the benefits of filing consolidated tax returns in their 2021 formula rates.
Mark Christie used FERC’s latest order on transmission incentives to condemn the process as requests for incentives come in from several MISO’s long-range transmission projects.
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals has rejected four Texas cooperatives’ request to review a 2019 FERC decision over AEP's transmission rates.
FERC rejected PG&E's request for an adder to its transmission rates based on its participation in CAISO, finding that California law precludes it from leaving the ISO without the state’s permission.
FERC OKd Dairyland Power Coop’s requested rate incentives for the Wilmarth-North Rochester-Tremval project, a 169-mile line spanning Minnesota and Wisconsin.
FERC approved transmission rate incentives for New York Transco’s Propel NY Energy project, but ordered settlement proceedings on its proposed base ROE of 10.7%
FERC commissioners urged SPP to conduct a stakeholder process to vet a proposal to socialize “byway” transmission on a case-by-case basis.
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