October 6, 2024

Transmission Rates

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FERC Urged to Close ‘Regulatory Gap’ on Tx Costs
State regulators and others urged FERC to increase oversight of “local” transmission projects while TOs insisted existing cost controls are sufficient.
NV Energy
FERC Approves Greenlink Nevada Incentives
The agency approved a package of transmission rate incentives for NV Energy’s $2.5 billion Greenlink Nevada project.
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FERC Issues Show-cause Order on ComEd Formula Rate Protocols
FERC ordered show-cause proceedings for Commonwealth Edison’s formula rate protocols, saying that they may not provide adequate transparency.
Xcel Energy
PSCo, Idaho Power Comply with Show-cause Order
FERC has approved two Western utilities’ revisions to their transmission formula rate protocols in their response to a show cause proceeding begun last year.
ITC Holdings
FERC Affirms ITC Midwest’s Capital Structure Rehearing
FERC has decided for a second time to leave ITC Midwest’s 16-year-old capital structure untouched over protests it results in unaffordable customer rates.
Duke Energy Renewables
FERC Grants Rehearing of SPP Capacity Accreditation Proposal
FERC rejected SPP’s capacity accreditation methodology for wind and solar resources and granted a rehearing request of its prior approval.
MISO States Ramp Up ROFR Legislation
State legislatures across MISO are undertaking a flurry of activity on rights of first refusal legislation as major transmission planning surges.
Great River Energy
FERC Approves Incentives for Great River Energy’s MVP Lines
FERC approved Great River Energy’s request for transmission rate incentives for two MISO Multi-Value Projects it is working on.
SPP MOPC Approves Late Resource Adequacy Revisions
SPP’s MOPC approved two revision requests related to resource adequacy requirements that members had set aside during its meeting earlier this month.
FERC Rejects GridLiance, AECI Rehearing Requests
FERC dismissed rehearing requests from GridLiance High Plains and Associated Electric Cooperative Inc. in a pair of dockets involving SPP's tariff.

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