October 4, 2024

Special Reports & Commentary

Overheard at IPPNY 2019 Fall Conference
More than 150 people turned out for the Independent Power Producers of New York’s 34th annual fall conference.
Stakeholder Soapbox: Is MISO Really an ‘Independent’ System Operator?
Mark Volpe, CEO of the Coalition of Midwest Power Producers, argues MISO's deference to incumbent transmission operators is driving merchant generation out.
NIPPC Members ‘Carry On’ Without Kahn
Sadness over the recent death of Robert Kahn suffused this year’s NIPPC annual meeting, where speakers remembered and praised the energy veteran.
Overheard at ISO-NE Regional System Plan Public Forum
More than 150 people turned out for a public forum in Boston on Thursday to discuss ISO-NE’s draft 2019 Regional System Plan.
Overheard at Infocast’s Texas Renewable Energy Summit
Infocast’s Texas Renewable Energy Summit brought in developers, corporate off-takers, cities, municipalities, cooperatives and the financing community.
Book on Tx Developer Transmits Climate Hope
Russell Gold and Michael Skelly appeared at Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy to promote the new book: "Superpower."
Overheard at the Border Energy Forum XXIV
The Border Energy Forum XXIV drew attendees and speakers from both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border to the banks of San Antonio's River Walk.
Experts Advise Respect to Counter Project Opposition
Respect is the key to tempering landowner and community pushback on energy infrastructure projects, six industry experts told MARC.
MISO-SPP Interregional Process Scrutinized at MARC
MISO and SPP are making earnest efforts to coordinate transmission development along their shared seam, according to speakers at MARC.
MARC Opens with Iowa Political Flavor, Speed Round
MARC opened with a study in local Iowa flavor and a grab bag of industry opinions gleaned from a round of questions styled after political interrogations.

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