
Stakeholder Soapbox: REVing up our Wholesale Power Markets
Glen Thomas, president of PJM Power Providers Group, argues that a re-examination of RTOs' wholesale energy markets is long overdue.
Vogtle, the Law of Holes, and Two Modest Proposals
Columnist Steve Huntoon breaks down where the Vogtle nuclear power plant project went wrong and offers suggestions for rectifying the situation.
Counterflow: Alternative Facts and Global Warming
In his latest column, Steve Huntoon jumps into the Jacobson-Clack fray over the prospects of 100% renewable power.
Opinion: NARUC App Would Conflict with Privacy Rules
Michael Murray argues that a meeting app used by attendees of the NARUC Summer Policy Summit would violate regulators' own privacy.
Counterflow: FERC Order 1000: Need More of Good Thing
In his latest column, Steve Huntoon argues in favor of FERC Order 1000 — and against the many exceptions RTOs have carved out of it.
DER: A Threat to the Grid?
Terry Brinker, president of Reliable Energy Advisors and former NERC official, argues for cooperation to integrate distributed energy resources (DER).
Huntoon: Microgrid Defense Misses the Point
Steve Huntoon responds to Noblis rebuttal of his column criticizing its study of microgrids on military bases.
SOAPBOX – Huntoon Microgrid Critique ‘Seriously Flawed’
Noblis' Jeffrey Marqusee offers a rebuttal against Steve Huntoon's March column criticizing a Noblis study of microgrids on military bases.
RESISTANCE — Tesla Powerwall Redux
In the latest "Resistance," columnist Steve Huntoon goes over why the Tesla Powerwall home battery system makes no economic sense.
Stakeholder Soapbox: Organized Markets for the Future
Rob Gramlich, founder of Grid Strategies, reflects on the recent FERC technical conference and explains his vision of the future for RTOs.

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