Columnist Steve Huntoon examines the unintended consequence of reducing aerosol pollution: the acceleration of climate change.
Columnist Steve Huntoon reiterates his take on a longtime debate in energy: The benefits of competition vs. monopolization.
Columnist Steve Huntoon says FERC Commissioner Mark Christie's attack on single clearing price markets is ill informed.
Markets, not subsidies, should dictate the pace and path of electrification, says regulatory economist Kenneth W. Costello.
Travis Goodspeed, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Biden's cybersecurity strategy may backfire by alienating tech companies that should be the government's allies, commentator Shahid Mahdi says.
FERC must look beyond reliability standards to boost electric industry winter readiness, says R Street Institute's Michael Giberson.
FERC must act to strengthen interregional transmission ties to improve reliability, says former Arkansas PSC Chair Ted Thomas.
Attempting to match carbon-free electricity 24/7 with customer load is wasteful, and the premises for it are wrong, says columnist Steve Huntoon.
Tony Clark and Vince Duane question whether the single marginal price construct still works with the increase in low-cost intermittent resources.
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