Conference Coverage
SPP has executed funding agreements with eight Western Interconnection entities for the first phase of its Markets+ market, accelerating its development.
Texas regulators' recommended ERCOT market redesign was the primary topic of conversation during Infocast’s 11th ERCOT Market Summit.
Clean energy buyers all face a common challenge: figuring out how to keep track of both the clean energy they use and the carbon emissions they cut.
Legislation to streamline the permitting of clean energy projects, including new transmission, may require bipartisan tradeoffs, according to one senator.
The sixth meeting of the Joint Federal State Task Force on Transmission focused on securing the grid against physical attacks.
The rising profile of nuclear power as one of the critical technologies that will power the U.S. to a carbon-free grid was a major theme at NARUC's conference.
Industry experts at NARUC's Winter Policy Summit discussed needed improvements in gas-electric coordination after recent winter weather events.
Electric transmission projects move too slowly, Maryland Public Service Commission Chairman Jason Stanek said at NARUC's Winter Policy Summit on Monday.
Getting the right rates to customers is vital to ensuring that the industry's ongoing transition to clean energy is reliable and affordable, experts told NARUC.
Stakeholders at NASEO's Winter Policy Summit debated whether energy offices should act as hubs for bringing stakeholders together and fostering collaboration.
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