September 29, 2024

Conference Coverage

Decarbonizing America’s Ports Could be 1st Step for Hydrogen Adoption
The Green Hydrogen Coalition sees the nation’s seaports, heavy with air pollution, as an ideal starting place for a hydrogen fuel revolution to begin.
Green Hydrogen Coalition
‘Ecosystems’ Needed to Drive Green Hydrogen Growth
The widespread adoption of green hydrogen will depend on construction of “ecosystems” that span sectors and geographic boundaries, industry supporters say.
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SEIA Policy Forum Asks ‘To RTO or not to RTO?’
FERC Chair Richard Glick, Tony Clark and Suedeen Kelly discussed options for states seeking to interconnect more renewables at SEIA's 30x30 Policy Forum.
Government of Canada
Experts Talk Carbon Markets at Ontario Energy Conference
Canada has a price on carbon pollution, but it’s not a perfect system, said a speaker at the annual Association of Power Producers of Ontario conference.
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Renewable Advocates Troubled by Tradeoffs in N.C. Climate Bill
Renewable power advocates are concerned by concessions N.C. legislators made to utilities in return for the carbon-reduction goals of House Bill 951.
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Overheard at Infocast Southeast Renewable Conference
About 300 regulators and industry representatives met at the Southeast Renewable Energy conference to discuss the region’s efforts to attract solar power.
Southern, Duke Defend SEEM at Renewables Conference
Renewable developers don't expect much from the Southeast Energy Exchange Market, saying it falls short of the transparency and competition in RTOs.
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Virginia Clean Economy Act Appears Safe for Now
Virginia’s landmark Clean Economy Act is unlikely to face major changes soon despite Republicans’ electoral victories, speakers told an Infocast conference.
New Jersey Natural Gas
NARUC Panel Examines the ‘Gaps’ PUCs Face in Regulating Hydrogen
Hydrogen may become a key to decarbonization, but state utility regulators are discovering that they have few standardized tools to regulate it.
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FERC-State Tx Task Force Begins Work
The Federal-State Task Force on Electric Transmission convened its first meeting before NARUC with optimism, debates and a sense of urgency.

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