September 29, 2024

Conference Coverage

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OSW Grid Strategy Must Extend Beyond Current Proposals, Utility Says
Tim Burdis of PJM says transmission upgrade and replacement decisions in anticipation of a skyrocketing offshore wind industry need to be made now.
NAGF Speakers Highlight Resource Mix, Cyber Challenges
Speakers at the North American Generator Forum's Virtual Compliance Conference shared warnings about the grid's most pressing reliability risks.
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Environmental Justice Communities are Leading OSW, Advocate Says
Elizabeth Yeampierre with the Climate Justice Alliance says environmental justice communities need to be allowed to speak for themselves on offshore wind.
Energy Bar Association
EBA Panel Discusses Management and Mitigation of Cybersecurity Risks
A panel on the opening day of the Energy Bar Association Mid-Year Forum discussed cybersecurity risks on critical energy infrastructure.
Smart Energy: DERs, Electrification, Wholesale Pricing
Distributed energy resources, electrification and just wholesale compensation for both dominated two panels during the virtual North America Smart Energy Week.
Public Service Commission of D.C
DC’s Solar Markets Expanding in Low-income Neighborhoods
D.C.'s ambitious clean energy target — 100% by 2032 — has created a market for solar companies and utility bill savings for the city's low-income residents.
Connecticut Power and Energy Society
Utility CEOs Talk Alignment with Conn. on Climate Change
Catherine Stempien, CEO of Avangrid Networks, and Eversource Energy CEO Joe Nolan spoke at the Connecticut Power and Energy Society’s Power Hour event.
SEIA Issues New US Solar Generation Goal: 30 by 30
SEIA issued a new growth target for the industry to mark the first day of its 2021 annual meeting: 30% of the nation’s power by 2030.
Raab Associates
Glick, Panel Discuss Critical Role of Tx in Decarbonizing NE
FERC Chair Richard Glick delivered the keynote speech at Raab’s New England Electricity Restructuring Roundtable, which focused on transmission planning.
United Nations
UN Hosts Energy Dialogue During General Assembly
The United Nations convened a “high-level dialogue on energy,” the first gathering of leaders at the U.N. in more than 40 years devoted solely to energy issues.

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