September 30, 2024

Conference Coverage

Hydrogen: 21st Century’s ‘Oil’?
Chances are good that hydrogen will be a big part of the story of the power industry’s efforts to reach net-zero carbon emissions.
‘Massive’ Clean Energy Stimulus Under Biden Likely
Congress’ first act under Joe Biden would likely be “massive” stimulus spending, including clean energy, to address the pandemic-induced recession.
Future of Tx Planning Debated at EBA Conference
TOs, regulators and stakeholders face a massive task in planning for new transmission as they prepare for an influx of renewable resources.
Energy Bar Association
EBA Panel Probes FERC’s Allegheny Response
A panel examining FERC’s response to the D.C. Circuit’s Allegheny ruling evolved into an in-depth Q&A with acting General Counsel David Morenoff.
Permits Will Kickstart OSW Supply Chain, Panel Says
Permits are the first things needed to continue developing a sustainable supply chain for the U.S. offshore wind industry, AWEA panelists said.
Panel: Election Unlikely to Shake Support for OSW
Offshore wind advocates said they are confident the industry will retain its bipartisan support regardless of the results of the U.S. elections.
OSW Supporters Look to Enroll Unconverted
Stressing the urgency of the climate crisis, speakers at AWEA's offshore wind summit said its time to engage everyone in an energy transition.
States Detail OSW Workforce Development Initiatives
Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York and Rhode Island officials discussed their role in training people to work in the offshore wind industry.
Differences Aside, West Coast OSW Can Learn from East
West Coast offshore wind developers can draw on environmental lessons from projects in the Atlantic Ocean, an AWEA panel of experts said.
Preparing the Wind Energy Workforce
The offshore wind industry is already creating hundreds of jobs in the U.S., most of which don't require a college degree.

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