Conference Coverage

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Affordability Must not Lose out in Energy Transition, NE Regulators Say

New England policymakers and stakeholders must not overlook the need for electric affordability in the energy transition, officials from Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut told attendees of the New England Power Generators Association’s fifth annual New England Energy Summit.

Iowa ROFR Law Overturned, Throwing Multiple MISO LRTP Projects into Uncertainty
An Iowa court has formally struck down the state’s right of first refusal law, driving uncertainty for $2.6 billion worth of MISO's long-range transmission projects.
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Overheard at CHESSA Solar Focus Conference
Panelists warned that misalignment of technology, regulation and market forces could result in missed opportunities for Maryland to hit its nation-leading climate goals.
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RTO Officials Warn of ‘Messy Transition’ at NARUC Annual Meeting
MISO CEO John Bear and PJM CEO Manu Asthana expressed concerns about gas-fired resources retiring prematurely at NARUC's Annual Meeting in California.
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NECA Conference Focuses on Changes to ISO-NE Capacity Market
Potential changes to ISO-NE's capacity market include updates to its resource capacity accreditation (RCA) methodology, along with prompt and seasonal capacity market formats.
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Infrastructure and Coordination Hot Topics at NECBC Conference

Serge Abergel of Hydro-Québec touted the potential benefits of using hydropower to balance out wind power and reduce curtailment instead of simply using hydropower as base load.

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OMS Leaders Reminisce on 20 Years at Annual Meeting
OMS took time to celebrate its 20-year anniversary at its annual meeting while exploring familiar themes of restructuring resource adequacy and barriers to large transmission buildout.
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Overheard at the OPSI Annual Meeting
The OPSI annual meeting debated PJM’s recent capacity market filing and whether the RTO needs to consider changes to its energy and reserve markets.  
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OPSI Annual Meeting Hears Calls for RTO Governance Changes
Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) discussed how the CHARGE Act he has sponsored would improve RTO governance during the Organization of PJM States Inc. annual meeting.
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Community Engagement Key to Moving Transmission Projects Ahead

Transmission developers discussed the obstacles to getting their projects permitted and built, but also focused on successes, with a strong focus on community and stakeholder engagement.

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