October 21, 2024

NetZero Insider

PSEG Plans for 80-year Nuclear Generation in NJ
New Jersey's Energy Master Plan says nuclear plants will need to be “retained past current licenses” and predicts that in 2050 nuclear plants will produce 16% of the state’s electricity.
Versant Power
DOE’s Final Transformer Efficiency Rules Seek to Ensure Stable Supply Chain
The U.S. Department of Energy finalized energy efficiency standards for distribution transformers to increase grid efficiency and save $824 million annually. 
The White House
EPA Awards $20B from Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund
EPA announced the eight organizations it has selected to receive grants from its Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund.
DC Budget Woes Threaten District’s Home Electrification Program
The D.C. Council has approved a bill aimed at electrifying 30,000 low-income homes across the district by 2040, but a fight is brewing over funding for the program.
Biden Admin Releases Blueprint for Building Decarbonization
The Biden administration released a plan to decarbonize the country’s building sector, which it says could reduce emissions in the sector by 65% by 2035 and 90% by 2050. 
InvictaHOG, Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Everett LNG Contracts Face Skepticism in DPU Proceedings
Proposed supply agreements between Constellation and Massachusetts gas utilities which would keep the Everett Marine Terminal operating through 2030 are facing pushback from environmental organizations and the Attorney General’s Office.
Resources for the Future
RFF Analysis of Net-zero Projections Finds Continued Fossil Fuel Use
Many recent projections for energy use have fossil fuel use plateauing after 2030, when it needs to rapidly decline to meet midcentury carbon targets, Resources for the Future said.
BOEM Approves Avangrid’s New England Wind OSW Project
BOEM has issued its final Record of Decision ROD approving Avangrid Renewables’ New England Wind project, marking a major milestone for the proposed offshore wind project.
EMC Enineering Services
Mass. Commission Issues Recs on Energy Project Siting, Permitting
The Commission on Energy Infrastructure Siting and Permitting issued detailed recommendations to state lawmakers as they consider significant revisions to state processes for developing energy projects.
Volvo Trucks
EPA Issues Final Standards on Heavy-duty Truck Emissions
An estimated 72 million Americans, often people of color or with low incomes, live near truck routes that expose them to pollution resulting in higher rates of respiratory and cardiovascular illnesses and premature death.

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