Advanced Energy United (AEU)
A summary of FERC orders explaining why it denied rehearing request, which are automatically deemed denied unless the commission acts within 30 days.
Sharing a portion of transmission investment and its returns can turn combative relationships with communities that host infrastructure into collaborative partnerships, speakers said on an AEU webinar.
NYISO defended its call for a 10-kW minimum for DERs participating in aggregations, which regulators and clean energy groups protested in FERC filings.
New York's State Legislature passed a bill that would require state agencies and utilities to identify grid improvements for an EV highway and charging network.
Pennsylvania regulators agreed to set guidelines for electric vehicle charging rates, with deadlines and demand charges among the key issues to be decided.
Dominion Virginia’s new Integrated Resource Plan anticipates continued development of solar, wind and storage — and 970 MW of new natural gas capacity.
EPA will propose new emission standards for cars and trucks that could lead to two-thirds of total light-duty vehicles sold in 2032 being electric.
ISO-NE has more work to do to comply with Order 2222, FERC said, faulting its metering and participation rules for DER aggregations.
A trade association representing emerging energy technologies is criticizing Duke Energy Indiana’s proposal to build a new natural gas power plant.
A key California lawmaker introduced a bill to allow CAISO to become a Western RTO by expanding its governance to include representatives from other states.
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