Allison Clements

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Clements: States Should not Wait on FERC for Transmission Planning
Stakeholders at NASEO's Winter Policy Summit debated whether energy offices should act as hubs for bringing stakeholders together and fostering collaboration.
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Phillips Presides over 1st FERC Meeting as Chair
Acting FERC Chairman Willie Phillips presided over his first open meeting, announcing a roundtable on environmental justice and his key staffers.
FERC Approves Pipeline Expansion Despite New Jersey’s Worries
FERC approved an expansion of a major pipeline to serve the East Coast despite doubts about its need by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities.
FERC Approves PacifiCorp’s Interconnection Replacement Rules
FERC approved changes to PacifiCorp’s interconnection procedures that will allow it to use retiring generators’ interconnection capacity for new power plants.
FERC Moves to Implement New Backstop Transmission Siting Authority
FERC approved a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that would pave the way for overriding state regulators’ rejections of certain transmission projects.
Niskanen Center
FERC Considers Interregional Transfer Requirements
In a workshop, FERC commissioners and stakeholders debated the pros and cons of requiring minimum transfer capability between regions to promote reliability.
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FERC Approves PJM Plan to Speed Interconnection Queue
FERC OK'd PJM's proposal to speed up its interconnection queue by handling requests through a new clustered approach that prioritizes ready-to-build projects.
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Federal-State Task Force on Tx Debates Deeper Project Reviews
The Joint Federal-State Task Force on Electric Transmission convened during NARUC’s meeting to talk local project review and best practices on cost management.
FERC Seeking Solutions for New England Winter Reliability
FERC’s members discussed New England's winter fuel security problems and once again highlighted the commission's philosophical divide along party lines.
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FERC OKs MISO Seasonal Auction, Accreditation
MISO can establish a seasonal capacity auction and accreditation but cannot require a minimum capacity obligation, FERC ruled in a pair of orders.

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