Analysis Group
New England needs a carbon price of $25 to $35/ton by 2025 to meet states' carbon emissions goals, according to a report released by NEPGA.
More than 400 people tuned into the 166th New England Electricity Restructuring Roundtable hosted online by Raab Associates.
Generation and load interests are no closer to agreement over ISO-NE's Energy Security Improvements proposal, a NECA webcast discussion showed.
PJM’s Monitor defended a conclusion that ratepayers are likely to see cost increases in jurisdictions that exit the capacity market and adopt the FRR option.
A new initiative will aim to help NYISO improve its monitoring of fuel and energy security across the New York grid, stakeholders heard.
ISO-NE will file two versions of its Energy Security Improvements market design with FERC after NEPOOL's Participants Committee approved a modified version.
ISO-NE is wrapping up its Energy Security Improvements initiative ahead of a FERC deadline, stakeholders learned during a NEPOOL Markets Committee meeting.
ISO-NE intends to design a forward ancillary services market to complement the day-ahead one proposed under its ESI initiative.
ISO-NE’s External Market Monitor presented the NEPOOL Markets Committee a design for mitigating market power in the day-ahead ancillary services market.
A PJM official urged officials to embrace carbon pricing rather than exit the capacity market in response to FERC expanding the minimum offer price rule.
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