Associated Electric Cooperative Inc. (AECI)

DC Circuit Sends SEEM Back to FERC
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals remanded FERC’s approval of the Southeast Energy Exchange Market back to the commission for additional proceedings.
Mortensen Wind Energy Group
FERC Denies Rehearing of Tenaska Curtailment Complaint
FERC denied Tenaska’s rehearing request over alleged curtailment of its Clear Creek Wind Farm, maintaining the company did not provide sufficient evidence.
NERC Takes Step Toward New IBR Standard
NERC’s Standards Committee moved forward with four standards development projects, including one that could lead to new rules for inverter-based resources.
DC Circuit Rejects Challenge to CSAPR
The D.C. Circuit threw out a challenge from the Midwest Ozone Group to EPA's Cross-State Air Pollution Rule.
Entergy Arkansas
MISO Defends Energy Exports During December Storm
MISO continues to defend its decision to export gigawatts of power to its neighbors during the expansive, late December winter storm.
Babcock Ranch
Members Press NERC to Expand Comments on IBR Standards
NERC’s Standards Committee advanced a slate of standards development projects after moving to address concerns over stakeholders' ability to provide feedback.
FERC Rejects GridLiance, AECI Rehearing Requests
FERC dismissed rehearing requests from GridLiance High Plains and Associated Electric Cooperative Inc. in a pair of dockets involving SPP's tariff.
MISO Actions During December Storm Spark Debate
MISO’s December emergency declaration ignited a debate over whether the RTO should enter emergency procedures to sustain its neighbors during extreme weather.
Mortensen Wind Energy Group
FERC Denies Tenaska’s Complaints over Wind Curtailments
FERC has denied a Tenaska complaint alleging that grid operators adopted operating guides, resulting in unduly discriminatory curtailment for its wind farm.
© RTO Insider LLC
NERC Standards Committee Briefs: Dec. 13, 2022
NERC's Standards Committee approved its 2023-25 work plan and discussed proposals to increase its "agility."

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