Black Start
PJM presented stakeholders with proposed manual revisions to implement a requirement that dual-fuel generators must offer schedules with both of their fuels into the energy market during the winter, as well as changes to the operational and seasonal testing for capacity resources.
PJM's Adam Keech told the Market Implementation Committee the RTO plans to file governing document revisions with FERC to expand the requirement that resources must offer into the capacity market to also apply to all resources holding capacity interconnection rights.
PJM presented an issue charge focused on the potential for compensation for generators providing black start service to fall to zero a decline in net cost of new entry values in the 2025/26 Base Residual Auction.
PJM's Operating Committee heard that the transmission upgrades needed to allow the retirement of Indian River Unit 4 could be complete by the end of 2025
PJM presented its Operating Committee with a set of revisions to Manual 12 regarding fuel assurance requirements for black start resources.
PJM presented its 2024 summer study to the Operating Committee, saying preliminary figures show the region has adequate reserves to maintain reliability even as reserve margins tighten relative to recent years.
PJM plans to open a solicitation window for black start service after the June 2023 request-for-proposal window did not yield fuel-assured black start generation for some transmission zones.
A report by FERC, NERC and Texas RE focused on the risk of natural gas disruptions to utilities' black-start restoration plans.
PJM discussed the response to the July heatwaves and proposed changes to manual language around how synchronized reserves are deployed during the Operating Committee meeting.
PJM CEO Manu Asthana said 40 GW in planned retirements and lagging construction of new generation is raising questions about long-term grid reliability.
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