Black Start
The PJM Operating Committee unanimously endorsed an issue charge regarding the substitution and termination of black start resources.
PJM told the Operating Committee that it wants to clarify and update its documentation on the substitution and termination of black start resources.
PJM Board Chair Ake Almgren opened the MRC meeting by introducing a redesigned compliance hotline for personnel and stakeholders to report violations.
Facing opposition from regulators and consumer advocates, PJM will suspend an initiative that could tighten fuel requirements for black start resources.
PJM dropped its plan to clarify pseudo-tie eligibility after stakeholders argued some of the revisions conflicted with pending litigation.
PJM staff told the Operating Committee questions still remain about why its load forecast veered so far off course during a hot spell in early October.
FERC accepted an agreement between CAISO and a Calpine plant to provide black start service, but agreed that more cost information was needed.
NERC’s EMP Task Force held a workshop on black start, the vulnerability of nuclear plants, and skeptics who have criticized EMP research efforts.
The PJM Operating Committee delayed voting on changes related to how the RTO manages non-retail behind-the-meter generation.
A MISO task team began to develop a scheme to compensate resources that deliver restoration energy in the event the wholesale market ceases to function.
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